Is Bernie Sanders finally going to prove that communism can work?

2020-02-24 7:57 am

回答 (18)

2020-02-24 8:49 am
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i would hope so
2020-02-24 8:06 am
Trump's fascism is clearly not working.
2020-02-24 7:58 am
Bernie is not communist. Lol.
2020-02-24 8:23 am
No, because he's not a communist. He is a "democratic socialist", but he's not going to prove whether democratic socialism can work, because other countries have already proven that it can work.
2020-02-24 8:09 am
No. Because Bernie Sanders isn't a communist. He's not even a socialist. He's a social democrat, which means he believes in the Scandinavian model. If elected, he would prove that the Scandinavian model works just as well in the US as it does in Scandinavia.
2020-02-24 8:01 am
These conservatives are so funny!  The want to announce to the world that they don't know the difference between communism and social democracy!!!
Just like they enjoy announcing they don't know the difference between weather and climate... or the difference between demagoguery and leadership.

Bernie is in no way my first choice, but I would vote for ANYONE, even your grandmother, over the lying sack of corruption known as Trump.
2020-02-24 7:59 am
Bernie Sanders believes in Democracy.
2020-02-24 7:59 am
Never has, never will.
2020-02-24 8:08 am
The true believer libs\leftists are ignorant, naive and indoctrinated.  And fail to remember history.  "Democratic socialism" is simply another method of Marxism where the libs\leftists first vote to decide whose wealth and property to confiscate and redistribute. Nothing complicated.  Sheesh.  Communism destroys fast.  Socialism destroys slower.  Democratic socialism destroys at a much slower rate because it requires the libs\leftists first voting.  But Marxism always destroys.  It 's simply a matter of timing.  
2020-02-24 8:20 am
No, because he’s not a communist. In order to prove that communism can work, you need to be a communist.
2020-02-24 8:12 am
Has Canada? Has the UK? Has the entire European continent? Because what Bernie and his voters want is less socialistic than anything they currently have.
You peole are in complete panic over a couple of social programs. Think we can dial that back a notch? Jesus! You know this all because billionaires are scared of having to pay real taxes for once in their disgusting lives and they've fiiled your head with fear and nonsense just so they wont have to pay taxes and keep the working poor footing the bill.
Good job, loyal soldier. Carry on!
2020-02-24 8:05 am
Bernie Sanders can’t change human nature. People will work harder to advance their own personal interests than they will a collective.

In a collective the individual maximizes their reward per unit of effort by doing the very minimum required while getting the same reward as everyone else.
As long as your effort does not cause you to be excluded or punished why work your hardest? Why not take it easy? Let someone else do the heavy lifting?

A society of slackers does not lead to prosperity.
2020-02-24 8:06 am
Answer a fool according to his folly. In other words, No. 
2020-02-24 7:59 am
Hopefully the liberals in this country will finally be able to see what we’ve been warning them about for a century 
2020-02-24 11:11 pm
not at all in my opinion
2020-02-25 6:03 am
Bernie is a democratic socialist which is a FAR AWAY from communism as you can get. And democratic socialism is proven to work and create the highest quality of life possible. Source: Canada, Denmark, Norway, germany, etc. 
2020-02-24 11:04 am
It looks like I inadvertently deleted that other answer when editing my response to your bullsh­­it so I retyped the response in comments under my answer here.
2020-02-24 8:12 am
No. He won't win against Trump.

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