Why is healthcare so expensive?

2020-02-24 1:59 am

回答 (106)

2020-02-24 2:21 am
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Actually, that is a very good question. I listen to NPR a lot, and around 2-3 years ago I remember them discussing this topic at some length. They interviewed a woman whose husband was in his mid 50s who was diagnosed with malignant melanoma cancer. Over a ~2 year period, he underwent 57 CAT scans and had expensive chemotherapy and surgery, with over $1,200,000 having been spent on his healthcare. Then do you know what happened next?
He died. 
Way back when Bill Clinton was President, Hillary proposed Hillarycare, (which bombed in the Congress at that time.). Hillary did talk about a 96 year old woman who underwent a $250,000 hip replacement, and then died less than 2 years later. 
We spend $Billions on people who lie in nursing homes all day staring at the ceiling, who are fed through tubes inserted into their stomachs and who can't even control their own drool. Why do we do this? Because their families will say, "I wants everything done for Mama."
And then there are millions of people who show up in emergency rooms and doctors' offices, who want to get an antibiotic for their common cold, when this is known to be totally ineffective and a waste of money. But people want it anyway. 
People smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day for 40 years, and then expect Medicare to pay for their expensive triple coronary bypass, or their expensive lung cancer chemotherapy, or their expensive home Oxygen therapy, etc. 
And then there are all of the Psych cases out there, need I go on? 
In short, ~20% of the public consumes ~90% of the healthcare costs. 
And socialized healthcare will just make matters worse, not better. 
2020-02-24 2:22 am
Greed and an unnecessary Health Insurance industry that only serves to make healthcare more expensive!
2020-02-24 2:05 am
here's a hint....

observe many of the "discussions' around hear on the subject of healthcare....

notice how many have more to do with the cost of insurance than "care"....

then notice how many of the proposals for greater government involvement in healthcare actually involves guaranteeing payments to insurance companies with taxpayer money...

now, do a little research on which politicians have been in bed and on the payroll of Big Insurance billionaires for decades...

(here's a hint....most are extremely wealthy and/or from extremely wealthy families and hold office in the Northeast or California...)
2020-02-24 7:51 am
The insurance companies and the overspending of the government.
2020-02-24 10:59 pm
Because government is involved in healthcare.
2020-02-24 6:45 am
In addition to the cost of the schooling, there is the cost of the federal governments interference where it has no right to interfere.  Federal regulations shove costs ever higher anywhere they are applied.  Federal interference has never caused a single cost to drop.
2020-02-24 11:07 am
They know that the toxic drugs they give you and invasive and unnecessary surgeries they perform on you are going to kill you prematurely, so they try to get as much money out of you as possible while you’re still around
2020-02-24 5:43 am
Do you have any idea what it costs to become a doctor and what it costs to develop new medicines and medical equipment including recovering costs of medicines and medical equipment that were never approved.  And don't forget the costs of malpractice lawsuits
2020-02-27 12:06 am
Healthcare is expensive in the US because so many people are unhealthy pieces of crap.  Plus, many people think they’re supposed to live to be 160 years old, regardless of how horribly they’ve treated their bodies over the years.

Those two things alone make healthcare scarce and ridiculously expensive.
2020-02-24 11:22 pm
Because people are sick many 

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