Why do we put the word THE in front of Bronx or Hospital?

2020-02-23 10:36 am
It doesn't make sense but it doesn't feel right t leave it out either.

回答 (11)

2020-02-23 11:35 pm
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To say "the hospital" is convention in America.  In other English-speaking countries, perhaps not.

Here's the story on why we say "the Bronx":  in colonial times, the area was first settled (and controlled) by the Dutch.  There was a large land-owner in an area that is just north of what is now Manhattan.  The family name was Broncks.  So people would go to the Broncks, just like people today go to the Smiths or to the Browns.  The spelling of the name changed over time, but the convention of saying "the Bronx" remains.
2020-02-23 11:58 am
It's just a convention.
In America we say someone has gone to the hospital or is attending a university.
In England they say someone has gone to hospital or is attending university.
If you grew up hearing it a certain way it sounds wrong to hear it a different way.
2020-02-23 10:57 am
Who is this "we" you speak of?
2020-02-25 11:53 pm
In the case of 'the' hospital or 'the' Bronx it is to specify a particular place.  If one were to say I'm going to Bronx it could mean the name of a person, or I'm going to hospital could mean any hospital.
2020-02-25 3:44 am
2020-02-24 1:34 am
The often serves the purpose of making the noun more specific, as opposed to a medical center or whatever.
2020-02-23 12:26 pm
English has no rhyme or reason for the way it is
2020-02-24 5:54 am
a proper adjective,it makes sense to us'ns
2020-02-23 10:04 pm
The neighbourhood's name is "the Bronx", not "Bronx".

We don't say "the Paris"

We say THE hospital because you know WHICH hospital we mean.
2020-02-23 10:56 am
Lots of English makes no sense, it just is that way.
2020-02-23 10:36 am
That is a very stupid question 

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