Do you think millionaires and billionaires like Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg become a president arise conflict of interest exist?

2020-02-23 2:51 am

回答 (7)

2020-02-23 2:52 am
On the other hand it may prevent them. If you already have a lot of money, you won't be out there money grubbing from special interests
2020-02-23 3:29 am
You didn't come within 5 miles of a grammatical sentence there.
2020-02-23 2:57 am
I think having a "non-politician" in office is a double edged sword.
2020-02-23 2:54 am
Someone poor or even of average wealth would be a much easier target to bribe .

Trump and/or Bloomberg have so much money already it would make it much harder to entice them with money .
2020-02-23 2:53 am
no. it speaks to failure of our political class. they do little except cave to special interests and increase their own salaries and benefits.
2020-02-23 2:53 am
There are conflicts of interest present no matter who the president is.
2020-02-23 2:58 am
Did we have those problems with Washington or Jefferson? FDR or JFK? It depends on the individual, not the amount of money he has.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:33:01
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