What will be the reading on a spring balance if both ends applied 1 N ?

2020-02-22 1:03 pm

Most important, why ?


         spring balance 1N  ________________ <---|_______________|----> 1N                       ^                        |_____ reading = ?

回答 (2)

2020-02-22 7:46 pm
Imagine a spring balance hanging from the ceiling with a 1 N weight attached to its bottom.

Assume the balance has negligible mass.

the force applied to the bottom end is, 1 N.

The force applied to the top end is, 1 N.

The balance reads, 1 N.

The most satisfying explanation I can think of is also the simplest:
A spring balance is the instrument designed to measure tension.
(or compression, if it's being compressed)

In a rope, tension is the force that a part of the rope is exerting on its neighboring parts.
For a massless rope held straight by forces of magnitude F at the ends, the tension in any part of the rope is simply the F
Meaning, if you look at the left and right halves of the rope, each half pulls the other by a force F at the place they meet.

If a spring balance held by 1 N forces at both ends read 2 N, then that spring would be bad for measuring weight (the thing spring balances are most often used for) because each time you'd have to divide the quantity by 2. 
2020-02-22 1:28 pm
pls post a sketch showing the arrangement of such balance and the applied forces

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 21:21:29
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