Which is grammatically correct : "What makes the Earth rotates" or "What make the Earth rotates" ?

2020-02-22 11:44 am

回答 (6)

2020-02-24 12:09 am
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The correct form is
"What makes the Earth rotate"

The "rotate" in this context is an infinitive, not the 3rd-person singular; that's why it is NOT "rotates".
2020-02-22 11:46 am
Neither. The correct would be: "what makes the earth rotate?"
2020-02-23 2:58 am
Neither. It should be "What makes the earth rotate?"
2020-02-22 2:30 pm
Neither sentence is correct.  The correct sentence would read as, "What makes the Earth rotate".  What is the subject of makes. Thing, force, is implied with "what".
2020-02-22 10:59 pm
neither. rotate is an infinitive in that sentence.  what makes the world (to) rotate?
2020-02-24 1:42 am
what makes the earth the earth rotate easy answer

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 21:21:26
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