what if somenone mails an annoymous valentines day card to an engaged womens home ? with no return address . of course.?

2020-02-21 4:36 pm

回答 (8)

2020-02-22 2:52 pm
She'll probably think it's creepy and wonder if she's being stalked.
2021-01-03 8:15 am
What if someone does?  I don't see a problem.

I received anonymous valentines when I was dating. It didn't cause any difficulties.  My boyfriends thought it was amusing. They were not insecure and jealous types.
2020-02-21 4:48 pm
What are you trying to ask?
A card gets delivered.  The sender is unknown.
Nothing happens.
What would you expect?
2021-01-03 6:57 pm
Then that person wishes to stay anonymous. 
2020-03-01 12:50 pm
It would prove the person who sent it is low class. 
2020-02-28 11:07 am
The engagement could break off and you could have caused irreparable damage and be condemned to eternal hell.
2020-02-21 6:52 pm
That seems like a good way to start a domestic dispute. Depends on how sttong the relationship with her finace is
2021-02-15 9:26 am
well i had that before someone did that to me send me a creepy card with no address return. but its strange that happen twices before . but its not good to do  that because what happend if the woman you has crush on and she didnt even check the mail usually and might have a husband or boyfriend  that live with her and open it without not letting her know. better not do that .only way to just go stop by the house and do face to face and just give to her that way instead of sending it .never know might send to wrong house or wrong person if you know her last name then its your girlfriend or ex wive or a friend then that find but if not your lover, girlfriend , ex wive then better just wait and give it her when you do see her in public. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:44
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