Ancestry DNA results?

2020-02-21 7:42 am
Sorry for so many questions.

But if my mum and her ancestry is mostly europe and I score 49% British on Ancestry, is it likely my father is half british? I know he is half arab half something else but I don’t know what. 

回答 (6)

2020-02-21 7:46 am
No , I your mum is nigh on 100 % British Isles then it makes sense you are 49% the same as her . My dad had a Welsh mum and an English dad , my DNA resut says I am 50% British , Wales and N.W Europe .
There is a Facebook group for people with DNA test questions , where people with the right knowledge are keen to help .
2020-02-21 10:48 pm
"Ancestry DNA results?"
Are mostly total BS.
2020-02-21 10:39 pm
No one is half anything they are either British or they are not and DNA results are sold to entertain the buyer nothing more.....if you want to know who your ancestors were and where they came from them do the research and prove that, as researching the written records is the ONLY way to find out
2020-02-21 11:02 am
I have news for you, Moonlight,  Britain is in Europe.  So no, it isn't likely that you inherited your British genes from your father.  Why don't you pay to have your mother and father do the ancestry dna test?  Wait until they have a sale.
2020-02-21 8:28 am
Maybe, but the obvious question is, what percent of your mother's European ancestry in British?  I mean if you mother is mostly european, British, then probably not.

Kinda hard to answer this question since you don't really know the ancestry of either parent.
2020-02-21 10:24 am
Even if the DNA site is accurate about your mom's ancestry, which is inherently suspect, it says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about your dad's ancestry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:47:53
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