Right, the remote fell and went off MTV onto some show about guys fighting (not really) with words to win presimency. Lots of guys were in ?

2020-02-21 7:11 am
So these guys were talking and roaring at each other. One guy had the same name as some channel on Tv. He seemed to have loads of money. There were 2 other old guys. One seemed to be demented. The other guy promised me loads of free stuff. My girfriemd told me that I have a say in this. I have to go somewhere and register or something and I get to decide who wins. Right, get this:. The winner fights Donald trump and that! And I gets to decide. So who should I pick? The Bernie guy is promising me all sorts of stuff. Who should I decide ?

回答 (3)

2020-02-21 7:21 am
Do you like standing in lines for free stuff?
2020-02-21 7:38 am
What does this have to do with elections?
2020-02-21 7:38 am
The Bernie guy will take your stuff and give it to someone that needs it more than you .

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