無惡意 english pls !!?

2020-02-20 4:02 pm

回答 (2)

2020-02-20 4:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
malicious answer to the question is feeling, showing, caused by malice; the ill will to harm you; bear you with malice; with malice towards you to cause harm and doing wrong to you.Also no offence is a phrase used to say that I do not intend to hurt your feeling, showing that which annoys the senses to make you angry, harmful and wrong. I am not giving offence, or without offence to you.
Hence, bear you no malice or bear you no offence.
No malice
No offence..
2020-02-20 4:22 pm
要看你是對人說這「我是無惡意的」= I mean (you) no harm.
還是你是寫評論一件事或某人的做法是"無惡意"或"沒有造成破壞" = That is harmless.
或者最極端的為自我聲明的道歉做了的事其實是「無心之失/無惡意」 = "no offence"

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