My major is Environmental Engineering and Management, what can I put in an Informative Presentation about my experiences with the major?

2020-02-20 12:24 pm

回答 (3)

2020-02-23 4:26 pm
Union Carbide Bhopal disaster site
2020-02-21 1:13 pm
What kinds of problems do you expect to work on and solve? How has your education prepared you to indentify and solve these problems?  As an engineer, your job is to solve problems.  That is what you better talk about.
2020-02-20 9:15 pm
If it were me, my slides would be about my experiences within my major, as that seems to be the theme of the presentation.  Nobody else here is you, we haven't had your experiences, so how can we advise you about what to put in such a presentation?

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