I've been dealing with custody battle to get my daughter back. ?

2020-02-20 4:47 am
I have been dealing with this for almost 6 months. They said that they can not give me custody back unless my current relationship is not in the picture. Well are they able to do that. He has a felony but it was just a DUI and it was with a child in the car years ago.... thanks 

回答 (4)

2020-02-20 4:52 am
Yes, they can do that. They think you are risking your child's safety. Is it really that important to you to have a boyfriend that you'd give your daughter up????
2020-02-20 5:06 am
Yes, VERY APPARENTLY "they" are able to do "that," and "they" HAVE "done that."
2020-02-20 8:35 am
YES, they can deny custody if you are hanging out with someone convicted of felony CHILD ENDANGERMENT just last year.
Even if 'just a DUI' was a valid attitude, it WAS NOT 'just a DUI' if it was felony level AND there was a child in the vehicle.
2020-02-20 4:59 am
Yes they can do that. You need to put that relationship aside if you want your child back. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:09
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