這裡的keep growing the game是什麼意思呢?

2020-02-19 1:19 pm
On Instagram, Bryant posted a photo with James: "On to #2. Keep growing the game and charting the path for the next."

回答 (2)

2020-02-26 10:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
翻譯:在Instagram中,Bryant在其nba得分被LeBron James(得分:33643分)超越後,將他倆合照貼上,並寫出"繼續朝得分第二名邁進且有計劃為未來打拚",所以keep growing the game就是在未來球賽中持續發光發熱的意思。
2020-02-19 3:31 pm
=continue to move the game forward !?

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