
2020-02-17 7:59 pm

回答 (1)

2020-02-17 10:21 pm
Periodic table (chemistry) is tabular arrangement of the elements according to their atomic weights and common properties.
Moving horizontal,vertical along the tables cannot predict the location on the (regular) table.
Down the period the alkali alkaline halogas and noble can exhibite poor systematic vertical period.
Elements within same group has same electron configurations in their valence.sent on valentine !
The period shows trends in atomic radius, ionization energy, affinity and e-negativity when tightly bond.
(1)Ar Sc Fe V Ti Am Mn Ga Co ?
---Are school fees versus The American Men-Gals co-ed ?

(2)He be Li Na Mg F Si S Al.
----He be lied native mates fellows sisters striking alternately.

(3)Rn Rg Unq Mt Sg Rt At Pt Re ,Cu?
----Rondo regiments unquote Mt. serjerant-pepper right at partime returns , Currently ?

(4)Mo Ru ln Ag P. Re Pr Cs Cm As Hg Br Ga Ge Zn Cu !
----Mo ruling laws agree Parliament Republic prior Communists Communism as high British game get Zionhand cuffs !

--English corresponds with Chemical Periodic Tables Nos. are:-

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