My boyfriend is treating me wrong, what shall I do? 10 points?

2020-02-17 3:02 am
So we’ve been chatting on and off. We started 3 years ago then he came back into my life last July. We started chatting then got into a relationship , met each other twice . It’s long distance and he’s had huge problems with authority making it hard for us to be together. Now he’s ok but his attitude isn’t. I made it clear the first time we meet, no sex. He got into mood and told me to get out when I pushed him away when he wanted sex. But then insisted I should stay with him still and that he didn’t want me to go, he was just upset. The second time I went to see him to sort our relationship, he wanted sex- he got fully naked and got into bed ready for it and I just stood there shocked. I ended up trying to have sex with him but I’m a virgin and it was an awful stabbing pain. He slapped me across my face for not letting him finger me because I was screaming ‘stop’ in pain. He said he wants to be sexual in a relationship but we haven’t even spent much time together. I felt awkward. Now he’s telling he didn’t treat me like a princess because I didn’t suck his dick and I only get what I put in and he said I don’t put anything in. I felt so upset, he told me I’m inexperienced and a weirdo. I just want to get out of this , I’m started to feel scared and I don’t feel safe with him, he’s hit me twice . He’s got anger issue

We are in a serious relationship, I’ve spoken to some of his family and he’s spoken to mine. He asked me to meet his sister too and wants to get married in the long run 

回答 (7)

2020-02-17 3:14 am
You do realize what your situation is called, right? It's called RAPE. If he's getting in trouble with authorities too, then you aren't seeing a future with this guy. He's bad news, 100% of the time. He also made it clear to you that he wants a "sexual" relationship. Where is the commitment in that? Where is the love in that? On top of all that, he's still playing that alpha male card that doesn't care about his partner. HE'S USING YOU, AND ABUSING YOU! 

Why even ask about this? The emotional rollercoaster ride he's put you on is bad enough! Can't you see that you need to break things up with him? You need someone that respects you and loves you, not someone who treats you like crap and lusts after you! Not to mention that he already is showing signs of what a liar he is "But then insisted I should stay with him still and that he didn’t want me to go, he was just upset.The second time I went to see him to sort our relationship, he wanted sex". That's a f@#$ing playboy! He really doesn't care! Get rid of him! (As in dumping him, not killing him LOL XD).
2020-02-17 3:29 am
If he or anyone has hit you more than once... you deserve what you get.  If you're not smart enough to GET OUT.

Live with the fact that you are A PUPPET.

The beginning is ALWAYS Amazing or Very Impressive, 
because you lack experience with and about each other.

It takes about 3 months to BEGIN to know 
the person you are DATING.   
It takes about 6 months to FIND OUT IF you are really Compatible. 
For some couples, maybe a little more.  
Most find out or realize… THEY ARE NOT. 
Anything sooner than that, means you are 

Relationships give you experience on Right and Wrong ones.  

LOVE Is NOT about being Happy. LOVE is being there “for” and “with” someone, when the Bad Stuff happens (as in for Better or Worse, in Sickness and Health, for Richer or Poorer), if you aren't up for this, you have NO BUSINESS involved in 
someone else's life. ESPECIALLY MARRIAGE. 

No matter how much you Love someone or Want to be with them, if you are NOT COMPATIBLE, your relationship WON’T BE a happy one or last very long.  

There will be lotsa Fights, Arguments, Insecurity and Jealousy OR you’ll find out something you don’t like.

Keep in mind, that NOT every relationship you get into is for you OR will workout forever. 

Somewhere along the way, you must have forgotten that you are his GF, because YOU WANT TO BE... 
NOT by Penalty, Court Order or Ownership.

Learn from these mistakes for YOUR NEXT relationship. 
I estimate, it takes most people 4 to 7 relationships 
BEFORE YOU KNOW what you are looking for in a 
"til death do you part" mate. 
That has just been my experience. 

Nobody should have JUST ONE or Two relationships or Sex Partners. 
Better and Worse always comes around, but without experience, you'll never know the difference. 

If you force yourself to be comfortable or tolerate the way you two are with each other for FEAR of being alone or not ever finding anyone again. You are NOT GOING TO MAKE IT and all your Fears will happen anyway, after you have lost time, money and patience 
with your "Wrong Mate". 

If you're in a Wrong Relationship… 
break up and keep dating to find someone better. 
If you're in a Bad Marriage, cut your losses and Divorce 
before your years disappear and all you have left are REGRETS. 
People always make MISTAKES of all KINDS, but that's how you learn 
RIGHT from WRONG, GOOD from BAD. It's called EXPERIENCE. 

If you are a Youngster, you will IGNORE this and learn from 
Mistakes and HeartAches.

Make sure a guy EARNS your Heart, before you give him Your Body.
2020-02-17 3:20 am
Wise up, he wants a booty call. Go find a nice LOCAL guy.
2020-02-17 3:18 am
"What SHALL I do?" That makes me suspicious that it's not a true story or you are not looking for a true solution. Sounds more like a fantasy to me.
2020-02-17 3:18 am
You are not in any type of serious relationship so just have fun
2020-02-17 3:12 am
He's long distance. Stop taking his calls and block him. He's already exhibited violence toward you and it's not going to get better. You are inexperienced, but the right guy won't push to have sex before you're ready. Don't put up with his nonsense. There are much better guys out there.
2020-02-17 3:11 am
You are kidding right? Run Forest Run......end of discussion.

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