My boyfriend keeps acting an idiot. Am I in the wrong ? 10 points?

2020-02-14 4:57 am
Since we got back together he’s just grumpy, tired etc. Teasing me and just being a real prick. I got him a really big valentines card and a gift for tomorrow but we are long distance and it’s his sisters birthday at the weekend so he’s coming next weekend. He just keeps being paranoid, defensive and just really boring. He makes no conversation and just sits there staring at me wtf. I feel like I’m just trying to make so much convo I end up feeling like I’m talking to myself lol it’s only when he’s in a good mood we actually talk properly. He’s not very good at convo with me but is a salesman very strange. I don’t like my teeth and recently he asked me to show me them and said he likes them and are cute, I said no I don’t want to then he just said don’t ever talk to me until you show me otherwise don’t message me until u take a picture. He got really moody. Yesterday he said I should watch porn because I’m inexperienced and seem to love phone sex so apparently I should get myself off from that what the hell. He knows I hate stuff like that but keeps being really horrible and nasty. He said I don’t give a **** you make all these stupid noises making out ur in pain u chat rubbish .

回答 (2)

2020-02-14 5:08 am
You said you are long distance. My guess is that he doesn't like his job or maybe his life currently and so he is just moody and unhappy right now and takes it out on you much of the time.
I guess just try to be as upbeat as you can but also tell him when he's being a jerk. If he can't work out his problems and is like this all the time then you might think about taking a month or more off from the relationship and see if anything changes. If not, maybe its time to move on.
2020-02-14 5:01 am
Babe he loves you a lot but I think so he is little bit mature. You should tell him about all these stuffs going in your mind.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:46:58
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