Should I apologize, or should I just let it be?

2020-02-13 11:27 pm
Today I got really mad, an incident happened and it got me pissed. Like really pissed

I dont know how to describe it but it likes a raging bear kind of piss, I was growilng, punching everything and kicking anything in my way. I was showing my true colors

In the mix before this happened I handed a math sheet to my friend asking if she could help now at this point in time I could say only a few words (I was trying to be silent and not think, which is way I speak on few words) She got the paper and tried to help. But in my head I was still mad on what happened the previous day and it came out I looked at the bench gave it a weak kick, then punched it went to a trash can kicked it really hard and growilng destroying everything in my path. and she watched me do it. I came back and sat down quit still mad but cooling down and she never spoke a word. I could see terror in her eyes. Im guessing she couldnt handle it cuase she left. she was a girl I liked but now I fear shes gone and wont ever come back.

回答 (2)

2020-02-14 1:04 am
Definitely apologize. Don't expect it to make any difference.
2020-02-13 11:58 pm
You probably should with something like, "It looks like I frightened you and I am really sorry because I wasn't angry or upset with you at all; actually, my problem had nothing to do with you and I regret you may have misinterpreted my behavior. I hope you can forgive me." In addition to the apology, you should look into help with anger management. Your reaction suggests you ought to be more in control of your temper.

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