Credit card question?

2020-02-13 2:04 pm
Hi I’m 19 and Recently applied for my first credit card capital one quick silver n got accepted with $500 limit  . I have no credit history what’s so over , I heard if you cancel a credit card then it affects your credit score . How about if I cancel a credit card with no history? Does nothing happen? Also what if I never activate it ? With no history what happens

回答 (3)

2020-02-14 1:07 pm
Applying for a credit card always hurts your credit score. There are no exceptions. Whether you are approved for the card and activate it, are approved for the card and don't activate it, or you are not approved, you credit score will be hurt by the fact that you applied for the card.

The decision to cancel actually does not affect the score all that much. What really hurts is the decision to apply.
2020-02-14 12:53 am
Once you were approved for the credit card, you established a credit history, whether or not you activate the card.

Why not just hold onto the card, using it carefully, and paying it off in full each month?  You'll quickly build a good credit score.  
2020-02-13 2:04 pm
Credit card answer

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