What should i do?

2020-02-13 12:00 pm
I am leaving out of town at 4 on Friday. On friday, I have a package coming to my house by 8. I won’t be able to pick it up so do u think if i rearrange the shipping and have it shipped to the USPS office it will be there when i leave? i’m thinking when i’m heading out of town and i could stop buy and get it around 4? would this work 

回答 (5)

2020-02-14 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, call your local UPS store and give them the tracking number and request that that package stays at the "hub" (is what they call their 'office' building) for pickup. They'll do that.

There's a very good chance, but no promisses, that it will be there and available for pickup early morning on the day it's due for delivery.

They say by 8pm because it will be packed on a truck that will be out delivering all day. If you request that it's changed to a pickup it will be at the hub and you should be able to get it early in the morning.
2020-02-13 2:35 pm
No, it won't work.  You cannot change any part of a delivery service through USPS at any time midway.  You have to make your choices upon ordering.  Ask a neighbor to pick it up and when you return, go and get it.
2020-02-13 1:30 pm
You can have the post office hold all your mail while you are away, and either deliver it when you get back or pick it up at the post office when you get back.

Or you could ask one of your neighbors to get the package from outside your house and keep it inside their house until you get back.
2020-02-13 12:25 pm
it might work, i would talk to the post office about it
2020-02-13 12:22 pm
It might be with the carrier unless you ask them to hold it.

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