Books suggestions?

2020-02-13 9:34 am
I’m into mystery’s, secret societies, horror, crap lol that. I also would like to learn about real topics. Pretty much anything. Send titles and slight descriptions about the plots.

回答 (8)

2020-02-13 11:18 pm
The best horror novel I've read in a long time is M. Carey's "The Girl With All the Gifts." A little girl is eager to go to her school on the military base where she lives, even though that means soldiers hold a gun on her while other soldiers strap her into a wheelchair she doesn't need, tie down her arms and legs, and restrain her head. It's worth it--she has such a kid-crush on her teacher! (And if you love it, there's now a prequel.)

The best mystery I've read lately is "The Marsh King's Daughter" by Karen Dionne. A young mother who successfully ran from the man who kidnapped and raped her teenage mother, producing her and keeping his little family in a remote wilderness, may be the only person who knows the marshes well enough to catch him after he manages to escape from prison.
2020-02-13 11:27 am
This question is exactly why goodreads was created.
2020-02-14 5:54 am
14 by Peter Clines - I don't want to give anything away, but it's horror involving a mystery and secret societies.

Feed by Mira Grant - political thriller with zombies.

The Hot Zone by Richard Preston - non-fiction about Ebola

Radio Priest by Donald Warren - non-fiction about America's first televangelist (well, radio evangelist, but the first to take to the airwaves and build a huge following).

The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp - Horror, about a social media personality who debunks superstitions, but gets in over his head.

Maplecroft by Cherie Priest - Horror, about what happened to Lizzie Borden after the murders.  Turns out she had a good reason for killing them, and the evil she was trying to stop is coming back for her.

Fordlandia by Greg Grandin - non-fiction.  In the 1920s, Ford was making tons of cars.  Those cars needed tires.  Those tires had to be bought from rubber manufacturers.  Ford decided to cut out the middle men and start his own rubber plantation in the Amazon.  It was an unqualified disaster.
2020-02-14 3:06 am
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
by astrophysicist Carl Sagan,
2020-02-13 10:19 pm
Your public library is your best source. The catalogues of many public libraries are on-line. You can search them wherever you have internet access. Google the name of your town and "public library" or "library" and the website should appear. You can search by author, title, and subject. Several libraries lend e-books to their members.

If it's not snowing heavily, go see for yourself what your library offers.
2020-02-15 3:53 am
The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
2020-02-14 3:16 am
I am currently reading poetry books, these are the fews I really like:
"Finding Identity" by Silenus
"Peace and Other Radical Ideas" by Sasha Temerte
"Of Yesteryear" by Lauren Eden
2020-02-13 11:14 am
Some that are lesser-known, and interesting:

Walking among Us, by Dr. David Jacobs (nonfiction by U.S. professor about evidence he believes indicates alien interbreeding.

The Path of the Higher Self;  has some interesting chapters on nefarious control of Earth.

The Illuminati by Jim Marrs; Univ. Texas professor writes on his collected evidence for modern-day illuminism.

Poisoner in Chief, by Stephen Kinzer; 2019 pub.  About CIA search for mind control.

Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweitzer; accurate evidence about political elite corruption in the U.S.  2019 pub.

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks; CIA mind control experiments.

Dr. Mary's Monkey, by Edward Haslam;   medical professionals in covert government operations.

The Master of Lucid Dreams, by Dr. Olga Kharitidi; her activity as a psychiatrist in the last days of Soviet Communism; about a secret brotherhood she is directed to, after her research in induced out-of-body research at a Soviet Science City, which she writes about in her first book, "Entering the Circle."

PK Man, by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove; his experiences with a PK man :-)

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins; how the game is played (international economic manipulation).

Galaxy Gate by Colton and Murro; descriptions of alien civilizations.

Encounter in Rendlesham Forest:  The Inside Story of the World's Best-Documented UFO Incident, by Nick Pope, who used to head the UK UFO surveillance office.

Glimpses of Other Realities:  Volume II:  High Strangeness, by Linda Howe, award-winning news reporter.

Science and the Akashic Field, Ervin Laszlo; about akashic field :-)

Hyperspace by Dr. Michio Kaku; co-founder of string theory, popular explanation.

A Dweller on Two Planets; recollections of a prior life.

Testimony of Light; exploration of life after passing on.

Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda; beloved book, usually rated one of the 100 best spiritual books of last 120 years.

Light Is a Living Spirit, Omraam Aivanhov; a major teacher of the higher life.

Beams from Meher Baba; a major teacher of the higher life.

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