Can women change their feelings?

2020-02-12 10:29 pm
Short story
I like girl--> I think girl likes me--> I ask girl out--> She say no--> I take it like a man yet still sad

Longer story

Talking to the same girl, and still being me like nothing has changed or happening, Still messing with her she smiling and stuff. Typical friendship things. I can tickle her and it will be fine like she'll luagh and stuff like not tickle luagh but really laughing. so I had to class and one of my friends say's to me "Hey are you and that girl talking" I say no cuase of what happened. Her response " She seems very clicky" In my mind two things are happening 1. what does clicky mean, and what does it mean when a girl is being clicky and 2. am I that good of a friend. So do i continue through the long road and just wait or do I become more flirtatious???

回答 (4)

2020-02-17 9:37 am
It's "cliquey" and it means she sticks to her own friend group and doesn't let anyone else get close. But she's not going to date you so if you can't be a sincere friend with no ulterior motives you should probably just leave her alone.
2020-02-13 2:31 am
I think it is a rare gal that allows a lot of guys to tickle her. She likely doesn't. So you might be closer to a date than you realize. Or she does let lots of guys tickle her and isn't going to get serious about any of them, likely ever.

"Clicky" tends to mean that she hangs out with a set of friends and this other friend of yours isn't a part of that group.
2020-02-13 1:00 am
sounds like she just wants to be your friend
2020-02-12 10:58 pm
She is playing with you. She likes the attention that you give her but doesn't seem to want to 1) engage in a relationship or 2) you aren't her type. 

I think "clicky" means; into herself, will only date a "certain" type of guy, won't date anyone outside of that type of social/financial circle. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:16:51
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