Is something wrong with me?

2020-02-12 1:35 pm
My Good characteristics:A lot of people like me and think good things about me. I can get good jobs and collaborate with others fine at work. I am relatively attractive and it is not uncommon for me to receive attention from males. I play sports and love art. I make people laugh. I am a really good listener and always listen to people no matter how hard I personally find it to do. 

My Bad characteristics: I generally hate what other people talk about. I think about what other people are thinking of me all the time. I try not to be but am pretty selfish after all. I sometimes act like I am smart but I really am pretty clueless. I think terrible thoughts about people because I think a lot of people are not living how they should be. I isolate myself.

My thoughts: I know I hate so much about people. People are pretentious, spoiled, gluttonous, lewd and have no self-restraint or consideration. They spend all day on their phones worrying about drinking/sex/social media and talking about others. People say such rude things about others behind their backs and that disgusts me. People have no patience and everyone says they have ADHD. Everyone says they are depressed. No one is as considerate as I am. I have met only a few genuine people.

At the end of the day, I am by myself. I know I am intolerable of others, but I think that is because I live a very strict lifestyle that just is not found today or is at least rare? Do I have a problem? How do I change? Will I always be alone?

When I say everyone I mean, in my experience, the majority. And I do not mean to be offensive. 

回答 (3)

2020-02-13 1:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Congratulations for your ability to put up with difficult people. That's just what we have to do in order to get along in life.

Maybe it would help if you considered that very few people think of themselves as bad people. Nearly everybody wants to be the good guy in the movie, and doesn't imagine himself or herself as the villain. 

Empathy is looking at things from the other person's point of view. This is important not only because it helps us to get along with people but because it makes us happier. It's scary to think you're surrounded by villains.

Jon Stewart said, "There's lots of ignorance, but not much evil in the world."

A poet whose name I can't remember said, "Battle not with monsters, lest you yourself become a monster."

It would be nice if there was a Utopia somewhere, a place we could go where people are completely different, but there's no way to find that place, at least not in this lifetime. We just have to do the best with the world we've got.
2020-02-13 12:50 am
I think you can an introvert and also an empath (someone who is highly sensitive to the emotions of others).
2020-02-12 3:04 pm
Sounds like you are an introvert but your short story is well written so use your writing skills and let your imagination lead you into adventures.....Go dancing, dress the part.....remember you will only live well till your 70 and here you are wasting the limited time you have on Earth to not do the goals you have set to do in your life time....example: An thirty year old aid for Barbara like to ride horses...and had really no goals to do and now she wants to see the wide horses in live and love and have fun for when one is Born Again you are but a toddler in Christ so be that child and go out and play and , learn new things that will give you joy to be alive.......and don't forget to believe as John 3;16 commanded us too....

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:36
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