What you say about this pictures?

2020-02-08 5:26 pm

回答 (5)

2020-02-08 5:39 pm
Those 'inspirational quotes' are pretentious crap for people who think it makes them appear wise and intelligent. They are almost always laughable nonsense
2020-02-08 5:36 pm
All you have been posting is "what you say" and then you show pictures of positive quotes. Are you in some kind of depression or, are you trying to convince yourself of something?
2020-02-08 5:44 pm
I say you're in dire need of ESL classes.
2020-02-08 5:43 pm
Its horse sh*t. noone chooses who they fall in love with
2020-02-08 7:09 pm
A great theory.  But, in practice, one does not choose.

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