Who was Adam, Eve ,Jesus & Paul of Tarsus biological father.???????? ?

2020-02-08 4:51 pm

回答 (5)

2020-02-08 6:20 pm
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Adam had no biological father. Eve's biological father was Adam. Jesus had no biological father. Paul had a biological father whose name is unknown.
2020-02-08 4:55 pm
God created Adam from dust, Eve from Adams rib. Jesus' Father is Almighty God, and we don't know the name of Paul's father, but we know a bit about him. 

His father was of the straitest sect of the Jews, a Pharisee, of the tribe of Benjamin, of pure and unmixed Jewish blood ( Acts 23:6 ; Phil 3:5 ). We learn nothing regarding his mother; but there is reason to conclude that she was a pious woman, and that, like-minded with her husband, she exercised all a mother influence in moulding the character of her son, so that he could afterwards speak of himself as being, from his youth up, "touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless" (Phil 3:6 ).

We read of his sister and his sister's son ( Acts 23:16 ), and of other relatives ( Romans 16:7 Romans 16:11 Romans 16:12 ). Though a Jew, his father was a Roman citizen. So Paul was born a Roman citizen. This gave him the legal privilege to travel freely throughout the Roman Empire, and that fact profited him greatly in his ministry. Paul essentially then was both a Jew and a Roman gentile. That made him the perfect candidate to unite the Jews and gentiles in the early Christian church. God knows what he is doing. 
2020-02-08 5:24 pm
Adam, Eve and Jesus never existed. Paul was just a conman trying to stay alive.
2020-02-08 8:00 pm
1.  Adam and Eve were Nephilims(Sons of God designed for earth) sent to benefit mankind like the Nodites.

2.  Joseph was Jesus' biological father.

Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Joseph's home in Nazareth because Mary and Joseph were already married for over a year and shared that home there. Mary was from a village near Cana.

3.  Saul/Paul's father was a roman soldier who took advantage of a Jewish woman, producing Saul/Paul.  'Saul is hebrew for Paul'; not a name change.
2020-02-08 6:19 pm
Adam and Eve and Jesus were direct creations of Jehovah God.(Gen.1:27; Col.1:15)

Paul was born in Tarsus, a prominent city of Cilicia. (Ac 21:39; 22:3) His parents were Hebrews and evidently adhered to the Pharisaic branch of Judaism. (Ac 23:6; Php 3:5) He was a Roman citizen from birth (Ac 22:28), his father having perhaps been granted citizenship for services rendered. Paul probably learned the trade of tentmaker from his father. (Ac 18:3) But, at Jerusalem, he received instruction from the learned Pharisee Gamaliel, suggesting that Paul was from a prominent family. (Ac 22:3; 5:34)
參考: New World Translation Bible

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