I really need help and some advice. Anyone?

2020-02-07 8:43 pm
I just can’t make myself do anything. I need to sweep and mop my floors. I need to start getting things put together in my house (still hasn’t gotten done), it took so much force to clean the litter boxes this morning. I don’t really remember much the last two days because I was a sleep majority of the time. Even right now I just feel like there’s a hole or an emptiness inside me. What used to bring me job, just makes me sigh and continue to sleep or lay down. All I do is go to work and back home. I barely leave the house. I just don’t know what do anymore. I just don’t have it in me anymore.

回答 (10)

2020-02-09 8:19 am
Ar first sigh is assumed u aré suffering however fixing a house  is seldom related to simple Tasks  and products to do the Whole  job need skillful  people to male use of them. So do not loose  hope, plan carefully and do your best to be victorious.
2020-02-07 10:38 pm
Why not start by visiting your family doctor and showing them what you have written here when they ask what brings you in today.  They can evaluate your current condition and want you to speak with a nutritionist or dietician to work on creating a healthy diet.  It may help if you print a few of your previous question for more background information.  I would print the one from 4 years ago where you describe yourself as an intelligent person with a level mind.  The doctor will definitely want to know that you have previously been diagnosed with ADD, have some problems processing information, and that you are slightly mentally delayed.  Be sure to let them know about your current treatment plan so they can see if any changes would help.  They can refer you to a mental health professional that can evaluate your current condition to see what assistance they can offer.  Be sure to show them your previous question so they can know your back history.
2020-02-07 11:33 pm
I can tell you some simple things that help with motivation, but\ it really seems that you should get professional help.

If a task seems like it's too big, think of it as a series of tasks that you can take on one at a time, and start with something really, really easy. Cleaning - start by cleaning for 3 or 4 min and take a 5 min break. Short breaks are good but always watch the clock. Work for slightly longer periods. Soon you’ll be cleaning for a half hour or more.

A famous psychiatrist said that when we can't control our feelings we can still control our muscles. If you tell your arms and legs to get you to the bathroom for a shower, they will obey.

Try this when it seems that you're too tired to work. Lie on the couch, close your eyes, and get ready to work by imagining yourself working for 5 minutes.

Treatment usually begins by seeing the GP, who can give you a physical and a referral. I mention referral because just a bottle of pills is not a very good approach.

The things you'd want to tell the doctor are how you feel at different times of day, any symptoms you might have such as change in appetite or sleep, and things in your life affecting how you feel.

If you're depressed, I can't tell you exactly what you need. There's no one size fits all solution. I can tell you though that there are healthy lifestyle choices that can enhance the effects of the standard treatments with office visits. This answer has details, under DEPRESSION TREATMENTS - 

2020-02-07 9:37 pm
That's funny, I thought that moving out of your parents was how you planned on fixing your depression.   Funny how you are still crying about it here instead of doing anything on your own to fix your problems.
2020-02-09 9:09 am
I relate to what you're describing. Try adding a reward of some sort or taking a new approach that makes it more fun.
2020-02-08 9:44 am
Depression is a feeling - all our feelings are created by our thoughts. So, if you think negative, self-defeating thoughts, you WILL feel negative and defeated. If you think positive, self-affirming thoughts, you feel positive. This is how feelings work, and it is the ONLY way they work.. This explains why someone who seems to 'have it all' can commit suicide - happiness doesn't come from having money, a fancy car, a big house, good looks, lots of friends, fame, success - happiness is a feeling that comes from thinking positive, self-affirming thoughts..
I know I am going on and on, but I want to make this totally clear - a billionaire MIGHT be happy, if he is thinking about all the freedom he has (thinking positive), or he could just as easily be miserable and depressed, if he is thinking about how expensive servants are, and how everyone wants his money, and how he doesn't know who his friends are anymore..
The good news is that what we think about every waking moment is a CHOICE! Negative thinking is a habit - habits can be changed. Negative thoughts are like little brats that want all your attention, but you do not have to give it to them!
step one - a negative thought comes to mind "My life sucks, I will never be happy"
step two - stop right there and reply "NO. I refuse to think this way. This way of thinking fixes nothing, changes nothing and is a total and complete waste of my time and energy, plus it creates negative feelings. I refuse to think this way!"
step three - CHANGE YOUR FOCUS to something positive "Negative feelings don't control me. I CONTROL ME! I decide how I will think. I choose what I will think about.. Like everyone else, I have problems, but by setting goals, thinking of solutions to my problems, I can change my life. I can do this!"
See how this works? First you shut down the negative thoughts, then you replace it with something positive and self-affirming, and finally, you think of solutions and set goals to fix whatever is wrong.
THINK MORE ABOUT THE BAD STUFF.. keeps you stuck in a problem.. working towards a goal, finding a solution moves you forward, gives you hope, renews your energy and enthusiasm for life.. try it.. every single little step you take towards overcoming a problem and reaching your goal will make you feel GOOD.
Be your own best friend - this means that you never beat yourself up, never insult yourself, or call yourself names.. for example, would you ever say to a good friend, "gee you are stupid!" No, you wouldn't.. you would try and build your friend up, give some good advice or a little pep talk.. this is how you must treat yourself at all times.. putting yourself down destroys self esteem and self confidence.. accept that we are all weak, flawed, foolish at times, that we all make mistakes, struggle etc.. and be KIND to yourself. Never let a problem or mistake bring you down - immediately get back up and start again.. The phrase "I can do this!" has gotten me through many hard days.. you want to be positive and encouraging.. you want to focus on goals and solutions, never on the problem itself. You want to ACT every day - take little steps towards reaching those goals and solutions, and you want to treat yourself well - this is how you achieve happiness and avoid depression.
Here's a really good exercise to get you thinking positive - honestly try this and you will be amazed at how it works! Each day, sit down with pen and paper (to slow the thought process down) and write for 15 straight minutes, all the good things in your life.. For example, from you post, I can tell that you have hands that work, you know how to type, you have access to a computer, you have a good grasp of the English language, you have good punctuation and grammar :-) As silly as this sounds, this exercise FORCES the brain to think positive, and after just a week or two at the most, you literally rewire the brain - you create a new way of thinking. Your brain will start to think positive, even when you are not doing the exercise.. ALL of this advice, is 1) biblical, and 2) is what has helped me. To be honest, I think the root cause of depression is not having God in our lives. We are mind/body/SPIRIT, yet many people live as though we are just mind/body – when we ignore our spiritual side, we literally are starving ours souls. God made us to have Him in our lives.. Depression can be God’s way of getting our attention. Change your thoughts and you change your life.
2020-02-08 7:23 am
According to WHO, many people with mental illness refrain from seeking treatment because of the stigma associated with it.

Although most mental disorders are treatable, in the United States approximately 60 percent of adults and almost 50 percent of youths aged 8 to 15 with a mental disorder did not receive treatment in the past year, reports the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
2020-02-08 3:59 am
You are suffering from clinical depression (lots of people do). Go to your doctor, and he will prescribe anti-depressant medication to treat depression and help your feel "normal" again. 
2020-02-07 8:50 pm
Meh - do it tomorrow.  Not like the dirt is going anywhere, is it?
2020-02-07 8:48 pm
Church will work wonders. Everyone is so nice and positive.

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