What counts as animal abuse/cruelty?

2020-02-05 5:43 am
My neighbor’s 17 yr old son has had this pup for months now and almost everyday, this kid has done nothing but scream at this dog. Cussing the pup out none stop with every word you can think of. Now granted the dog has a habit of whining and crying a lot but screaming at the poor thing definitely isn’t helping. The kid has some serious rage issues though. All I ever hear from their side are his angry outbursts, whether it be directed at the dog or his family. With a bad temper like that, I’m worried for that dog’s safety. While I haven’t witnessed any physical abuse or neglect, I want to know if I even have a case that I could bring to police. I live in Los Angeles, CA if that helps 

回答 (2)

2020-02-05 3:38 pm
The dog is whining and crying a lot because the 17 year old is abusing it.  Abuse isn't just physical but because it doesn't appear to be physical abuse nothing can be done about it legally.  That kid has no business being near an animal and talking to his parents would be futile - after all they are the ones who raised the monster child. But if it were me, I'd steal the damn dog and find it a good home (just don't tell anyone I said that).  I'd be willing to bet that the dog IS being physically abused; it's just not being abused in front of other people.
2020-02-05 11:17 am
Abuse is when physical abuse is done.

Yelling and cursing at the dog isnt abuse.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:29
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