Do you truly believe governments can accomplish world peace?

2020-02-04 9:58 pm

回答 (20)

2020-02-04 10:12 pm
1 Thessalonians 5:3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.
2020-02-04 11:36 pm
Worldy governments will NEVER be able to accomplish world peace. Only Yeshua the Messiah will be able to do this when he returns.
2020-02-04 10:23 pm
Never! Even God's Word says “man cannot rule themselves “ and they will ruin the earth.

Everything God says about man in the scriptures have proven true.

Proof that God exist!
2020-02-04 10:22 pm
Evidently not. 
2020-02-04 10:05 pm
We'll never have world peace even if governments agree to it.
2020-02-04 10:42 pm
shortly God's kingdom will be set up and solve world peace.
(Daniel 2:44) “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever,
2020-02-05 2:06 am
what i know ! there can never be world peace as long as Satan continues to make war against the people of God. however Satan does seem to gather the nations together for a similitude of peace, it wont be everlasting peace and it will be an illusion rather that the kingdom of God on earth.
2020-02-04 10:37 pm
ABSOLUTELY not there is just too much greed and unrighteousness,through out history mankind know only the way of war.there is so much that can be accomplish sadly the way of peace man does not know of.   
2020-02-04 10:20 pm
World peace can only happen by force.  Which isn't very peaceful.
2020-02-04 10:19 pm
Only if they become obedient to the TRUTH.
2020-02-04 10:17 pm
No I don't. There are too many personal agendas and corruption. Each guarding their own little domain/property. Governments/people don't see the world as one humanity. This is where the teachings of the Wisdom of Kabbalah have come to remind us why we are here.
The wisdom called Kabbalah is the science of the correct perception of true reality: what it is and how it is manifested. Without even getting involved, the message is universal: "Love your neighbor as yourself." At the least, harm none.
2020-02-04 10:13 pm
The only way to have peace is to "leaders" agree to it and to keep their promises.  Leaders are usually part of the government.  I agree that the desire for peace needs to come from the people (and not all people desire it) but ultimately it requires a strong leader to see it become a reality.
2020-02-04 10:02 pm
Not when it concedes benefits to dangerous nations (America to North Korea, for example)
2020-02-06 6:01 am
No. Never.

 "Who except God can give you peace?"

   --- St. Gerard Majella
2020-02-04 10:04 pm
No. We each must come to peace ourselves. Neither politics nor churches nor science can do it for you.

"The world is a product of our own thinking. The world cannot be changed without changing our thinking."...Albert Einstein
2020-02-05 6:28 am
No, only God’s Kingdom can do this according to Psalms 46:9 & Daniel 2:44
2020-02-05 12:23 am
No... but they can help us towards that objective.
2020-02-04 10:28 pm
They take their money to the bank! That is all they do! The Homeless try to stay around camp camp  out! And find some food to eat, or stay in one place and go hungry! Push and take their belongings with them because everybody wants something of value or a coat to wear some clean clothing is great! Give some gloves to them! Warm hands feet and keep the head warm. Bread 🍞 and water. 
2020-02-04 10:21 pm
I can't imagine how that could occur
governments certainly can IMPROVE THE SITUATION
of course
governments SHOULD TRY to improve the situation.
2020-02-04 10:19 pm
Even an "all powerful God" hasn't been able to achieve that, I doubt a few brainless mortals can.

To some extent I think the general public in all countries could. 

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