I care about the environment, and would love to be a part of the ___(productivity?)___ to contribute to the ____(?)____?

2020-02-04 7:14 pm
Need help on personal statement of CV. This is one of the line, I can't seem to think of the right words.

回答 (6)

2020-02-05 12:04 am
For the first blank, consider effort or progress and, for the second, consider repair or restoration, maintenance, and improvement.
2020-02-04 10:13 pm
My thought is that you've tried to structure the sentence in a way that uses power words, but the result isn't working.  You've boxed yourself into a sentence you can't get out of! This is a "personal statement", so make it sound personal, conversational.  No need for $10 words.

"I care about the environment, and would love to be a part of the effort to preserve it."
"I'm passionate about the environment, and preserving it is one of my life goals."
"I'm passionate about environmental issues, and hope to focus more on this in the future."
2020-02-05 6:23 am
I want to be an active part of the movement to make the environment healthier.

orI want to help find and put into place meaningful solutions to our planet's environmental problems.
2020-02-05 1:58 am
How about this?

I care deeply about the environment and would love to contribute to it's repair and preservation.

Definitely lose the comma after environment.  It is not necessary and let's the sentence flow easier (imo).
2020-02-04 7:21 pm
mission, development
2020-02-04 7:17 pm
If white people quit working the world would go to hell.

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