What is unethical and immoral in your present life/world?

2020-02-03 11:20 pm

回答 (6)

2020-02-04 2:27 am
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The sheer quantity of privilege I get, without seeking it, based on my skin color and income.
2020-02-04 6:18 am
Violence of any kind or degree, enacted against anyone 
who has no capacity or means to defend themselves against it. 
2020-02-04 4:12 am
********, pornography and homosexuality
2020-02-04 3:45 am
Same thing that has been unethical and immoral for centuries. Sexual perversion, lying, steeling, murder, false witness, oppression of the innocents, rape, adultery. It is not God's morality that is changing; it is people's acceptance and tolerance that has changed.
2020-02-09 8:34 am
To restrain others lives .
2020-02-06 3:08 am
I have 8 simple laws I follow that fall into being as moral and as legal in my behaviors and mentality as possible. Moral codes work. Its good to be principled.  Everything else I just let my conscience or heart decide. My heart is better than my mind. I have a good heart, but sometimes I can be cold, and sometimes think of things that I know aren't right. Meditation has helped me deal with my ailments tremendously. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:08
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