How do I bring up BDSM to a guy I’m gonna hook up with?

2020-02-03 2:29 pm
Okay so I’ve known him for a couple months and trust him enough to try a little BDSM. We are not a couple. He wants some rebound sex and ya girl just wants to catch some D. So we’re just going to hook up. He’s by no means your typical dom guy but he isn’t submissive either. I’m getting heavy switch vibes from him but I don’t see him being experienced with BDSM.  What’s a good way for me to bring up me wanting to be tied down? What’s the best way to ask for more if he’s okay with that? Would it be weird if I tied up most of my body and asked him only to finish the last knot on my second wrist? Looking for answers from both my BDSM sisters who have experience dealing with this and from guys (especially vanilla guys). What’s the best way for me to bring this up without making him uncomfortable?

回答 (2)

2020-02-03 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Casually mention the subject of BDSM when you're about to hook up and see how he responds. Bring up the idea of how much you like being tied up, and have some scarfs or other material with you in case he goes for the idea.
2020-02-04 1:42 am
If you're so into BDSM, then you ought to know how to talk with someone about this. And it's always necessary to have the conversation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:25:10
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