Would a spontaneous relationship be more fun?

2020-02-02 9:34 am
I do want to be with a girl but I have some requirements. I want a girl with black hair and a very sweet personality. I want her to be beautiful on the inside and out. I want me and her to have a few common interests but with enough differences we don't get bored with each other. I want her to give me butterflies every time I see her or think of her.

回答 (1)

2020-02-02 12:12 pm
Sounds fabulous. I knew a fellow with those exact tastes back in high school. He wed three times. To women who looked just like that. But he DID get bored and replaced them every decade with one almost the same age as his first one.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:06
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