Do you exercise regularly?

2020-02-01 1:59 pm
If yes:
- how often?
- what exercises do you do?

- Why do you exercise?
->> To be healthy, look sexy, because your in a competitive sport, your job demands it (military, movers, high rise construction, roofers, fashion modeling, etc.)

- Do you enjoy working out, or feel you have to? (for whatever reason).

- At home or in a gym?

- Do you prefer exercising in public (being noticed), or privately where you can do what you want without people gawking)?

- Do you use nutritional supplements (like amino acids)?

- Do you have a special diet? (only certain foods at certain times of the day, "balanced diet", or alcohol and nachos don't-care type of diet)?

- Streching routines?

- Yes And No Answers are lame. Serious answers require explanations. And l'm nosey about other people's business, that's why I ask for details. 😄😉

回答 (4)

2020-02-01 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I lift weights 2-4 times a week (should be 4 every week but I get lazy sometimes). I walk when I feel like it. Maybe 1-5 times a week. If you want specific exercises when I weight lift, here is my routine. Its the first one listed
I'm trying to build up my booty right now. I was doing Stronglifts and it was great. I got really strong. Developed most of my muscles but not my glutes. Squats and deadlifts are not enough. 

I do it to be healthy, to look better and because being strong makes life easier. 

I enjoy working out. The times that I wouldn't I skip it (which is why I sometimes only lift 2-3 times a week and might only walk once a week). I don't want to make myself hate working out and feel like a chore. I think this is why I have been lifting and walking for 7 years now without wanting to give up. 

I workout at home

I don't mind walking in public but nothing else. I don't even want to lift at a gym which is why I lift at home (saves me a lot of money too. Spend a chunk of money up front and be set for life).

I don't use supplements 

My diet varies. Sometimes I eat a lot of junk. Other times its damn near perfect (Meat, fruit, nuts, dairy, potatoes, lots and lots of vegetables. Maybe some rice). The one constant is making sure I get enough protein. 

I don't stretch. Don't see a need to. 
2020-02-01 3:04 pm
1) Daily
2) Various
3) To be healthy, attract women, make sports more enjoyable, and my job easier
4) Yes
5) At home or in public
6) I don't care if people look or not, as long as people I'm not attracted to don't flirt
7) No
8) No
9) Yes
2020-02-02 1:36 am
I walk 25-30 miles a week, most weeks. I do stretches daily and i have a short exercise routine a couple times a week. I eat natural foods almost exclusively. Yes, once in a while i'll eat some junk or have a drink, but not as the rule, no. And there is the occasional day when i'm inactive.

thank you for being so nosy. lol
2020-02-01 2:10 pm
No, I really should but work keeps me in shape.... kinda.

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