Can someone tell me what book cover this is?

2020-02-01 9:43 am
A long time ago I really liked a book that I don't remember very much at all, except for the fact I loved it. I want to read it again and see why I thought it was so good. I liked it so much that I tried to draw the cover of the book (it's a drawing of the cover wrapped all the way around, front and back). Does anyone know what book this may be from? The only thing missing is the dragon doesnt have scales. I think the dragon was a blue-ish color and the character on top was a tan or ginger color.

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2020-02-01 11:18 pm
I'm sorry, I don't recognize it. The best suggestion I can make is to do a search using the terms "book cover" "blue dragon" and spend time looking at the images that result.

If you can specify anything further about the plot or even the ages it's intended for, add that to narrow the search.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:11:19
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