Why does this person irk me so much?

2020-01-31 1:15 am
There is this guy who I have made it clear to him that I have a boyfriend although it being not the healthiest relationship. He keeps complimenting me calling me beautiful and adorable and that he could treat me how I deserve to be treated and that i should give him a chance. But even when he’s not begging to be me, something about the way he talks and just his presence irks me and makes me feel weird In a way I can’t explain. 
Mind you we only just started talking a week ago. Is there a psychological reason behind this? 

回答 (3)

2020-01-31 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

Sounds like you feel tense around this guy because you are constantly having to defend your relationship. Maybe you are just waiting for him to make some comment now, therefore, you're walking on eggshells. 


Psychologically, you've made a negative association with him:

Random guy + unwanted comments + unwanted attention = irritation


This consistent pattern has now led to:

Random guy = irritation

Hope this helps.

參考: Pavlov's Theory
2020-02-04 6:08 am
You find him irritating because he's completely ignored the fact that you're in relationship and you've made it clear you're not going to date him. He's disrespecting you by continuing to do this. That's why you don't like it.
2020-01-31 2:40 am
When a gal tells a fellow that she "can't" whatever BECAUSE she has a boyfriend, what he HEARS is that she wants to. This is always true. If you don't want to? Then YOU don't want to! It has nothing to do with whether there is another guy or not. So, by telling him that you "have a boyfriend" as a reason why you can't be with him? It's actually leading him on! No is NO.. it's not conditional on a boyfriend you aren't getting along with. That plants a seed of hope. So this is on you. Maybe you are more interested than you admit?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:22
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