What can I do when I can't get any sleep because my mom's house is getting foreclosed and we have to move in the next 2 to 3 weeks?

2020-01-30 12:24 pm
We have to move by the end of February at the most. It was my grandfather's house, but he passed on 2 years ago, and now it's just me and my mom in the house.

Because of Yearly Property Tax increases, my mom didn't pay the Mortgage, and now she hasn't paid the mortgage for 6 months. And now she's getting letters that the house has a lien, and now the bank is getting ready to Auction the house. And when that happens they will put a lock on the house, and we can't get our valuables.

My mom has no luck finding an apartment because me and her combined income don't meet the minimum requirements. Then my mom was using my sister's credit to see if she can get a house in my sister's name, but it didn't work out.

So, now all I have to stay with my Dad and sister until me and my mom finds something. My mom and Dad are divorced. So, my mom don't want to stay with him. And I'm a 34 year old male with Schizoaffective Disorder. So, I'm trying to recover from my illness.

What can I do about this situation?

回答 (3)

2020-01-30 12:56 pm
Rent a storage locker and start moving things out immediately. Then if (when) you get locked out you won’t lose access to your valuables. Not clear on if you work or if you are receiving some kind of aid, but if you are able to work, you should pick up more hours or get a second job. If you can’t work, go see social services to see what they recommend. If you are disabled, there may be options available you are unaware of.
2020-01-30 10:05 pm
Calm down.  First where is the bank in the foreclosure process?  This information is (usually) available online at the Clerk of the Courts at your local courthouse.  If it's still in the process then you still have some time.  If it's completed and about to go to auction you still have time.  If the bank is the successful bidder and you're still in the home they will usually offer "cash for keys."  If someone other than the bank gets the property they would then have to evict you.  Now you don't want that but negotiate with the new owner.  Perhaps they will want you to stay.
2020-01-31 2:46 pm
Go live with your father and look at it as an opportunity to get to know him better, and give yourself a chance at a new life.  Forget your mother.  She's stupid.  Really stupid to allow that to happen to her and you when she had many options.  She did not do right by you.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:49
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