Can you know what game this is?

2020-01-30 5:10 am
So I'm a 90s kid which means my childhood consisted on a lot of great games that i used to play but was to young to even remember their names but some of these games are still engraved in my deep memories Examples of these games are frogger, vcop2 etc...
So here's my description of this game:It's an arcade game, i can assure you that, it's similar to pacman in a way but it is more advanced. So the plot was you take control of a character similar to pacman and were able to move while eating the blocks arround you. The blocks were GREEN maybe dark green I don't remember clearly... there was also scissors... I remember the presence of scissors that you had to avoid... in some levels the scissors would also follow your character... I think there was also some bombs too that you should avoid...I'm sorry if the description seems a little off but i was like 5 when i played this now I'm 23 so that's all I remember.. it was like an arcade puzzle game i think
Thanks for the help

回答 (1)

2020-01-30 6:00 am
Stop it. You should be playing new games, not just the same old ones over and over again. It's not healthy. Always look for new things, and new experiences. Even if I knew the answer to your question, I wouldn't tell you. You have to learn to move on.

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