
2020-01-29 2:40 pm
Naomi, who asked only to be identified by her first name, and her family are far from the only Japanese residents who enjoy KFC for Christmas dinner. 

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2020-01-29 5:09 pm
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Almost every year since she was a child, Hokkaido resident Naomi has looked forward to her family's traditional Christmas meal: a KFC "party barrel" brimming with salad, cake and lots of fried chicken.
"In Japan, it is customary to eat chicken at Christmas," says the 30-something Japanese woman.
"Every year, I order the party barrel and enjoy it with my family. I like the delicious chicken and the cute picture plate that comes with it as a bonus."
Naomi, who asked only to be identified by her first name, and her family are far from the only Japanese residents who enjoy KFC for Christmas dinner.

全文的訪問Naomi這女孩子的回答,only to be identified by her first name意思是她只想告訴記者自己的"名字"(不想告訴告所有人自己的"姓")而不提供全名。

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:02:31
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