Do you believe God will restore life to the dead in the near future?

2020-01-29 2:29 am
Acts 24:15
Revelation 21:3,4

回答 (22)

2020-01-29 5:44 am
2020-01-29 3:12 am
   Millions of dead ones will be resurrected to human life on the earth.(Acts 24:15)

If they do what God requires of them, they aill continue to live on earth forever. If not, they will be destroyed forever. -  John 5:28,29; Rev. 20:11-15.
2020-01-29 9:34 am
Yes.  Jehovah God has the ability to restore life to those who have died. For the One with the ability and power to create man in His own image, with a perfect body and with the potential for full expression of the marvelous characteristics implanted in the human personality, it would be no insurmountable problem to resurrect an individual. If scientific principles established by God can be used by scientists to preserve and later reconstruct a visible and audible scene by means of videotape, how easy it is for the great Universal Sovereign and Creator to resurrect a person by repatterning the same personality in a newly formed body. Concerning the revitalizing of Sarah to have a child in her old age, the angel said: “Is anything too extraordinary for Jehovah?” (Genesis 18:14). 

In the beginning a resurrection was not necessary. It was not a part of God’s original purpose for mankind, because death was not the natural, purposed thing for humans. Rather, God indicated that he purposed the earth to be full of living humans, not a deteriorating, dying race. His work was perfect, hence without flaw, imperfection, or sickness. (Deuteronomy 32:4) Jehovah God blessed the first human pair, telling them to multiply and fill the earth. (Genesis 1:28) Such blessing certainly did not include sickness and death; God set no limited life span for man, but he told Adam that disobedience is what would cause death. This implies that man would otherwise live forever. Disobedience would incur God’s disfavor and remove his blessing, bringing a curse.- Genesis 2:17; 3:17-19.  Consequently, death was introduced into the human race by the transgression of Adam. (Romans 5:12) Therefore, the resurrection was brought in, or added, to overcome this disability for those of Adam’s children who would desire to be obedient to God.

The resurrection shows not only Jehovah’s unlimited power and wisdom but also his love and his mercy and vindicates him as the Preserver of those who serve and worship him. (1 Samuel 2:6) Having resurrection power, he can go the extent of showing that his worshippers will be faithful to him to the very death. As you may recall, Satan’s accusation asserted that “ for skin. A man will give everything that he has for his life.” (Job 2:4) Jehovah God can let Satan go to the full limit, even to killing some in a vain effort to support his false accusations.

The resurrection of the dead, an undeserved kindness on God’s part, is essential to mankind’s happiness and to the undoing of all the harm, suffering, and oppression that have come upon the human race. These things have befallen man as a result of his imperfection and sickness, the wars he has waged, the murders committed, and the inhumanities practiced by wicked people at the instance of Satan the Devil. We cannot be completely happy if we do not believe in a resurrection. The apostle Paul expressed the feelings in these words: “If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone.” 1 Corinthians 15:19.

The provision of a resurrection for humankind is indeed an undeserved kindness of Jehovah God, for he was not obligated to provide a resurrection. Love for the world of mankind moved him to give his only-begotten Son so that millions, yes, even thousands of millions who have died without a real knowledge of God might have opportunity to know him, and so that those who love and serve him can have this hope and encouragement to faithful endurance, even as far as death. (John 3:16)
2020-01-29 2:53 am
Certainly. Titus 1:2 "God cannot lie."
2020-02-01 9:45 pm
Yes I do believe that God will restore  life to those who  have died it is called the RESURRECTION of the Dead 
2020-01-30 9:03 am
Yes, in fact Jesus preached about it. Jesus resurrected a lot of people from the dead. When his friend Lazarus died, Jesus is John 11:4, told his disciples that Lazarus had fallen asleep, but that he was going to travel where he was at to awaken him. But in verse 12-14, we read that his disciples thought he was physically sleeping but just referred to death as to sleep. Now think about this, would it have been very loving of Jesus if he had taken Lazarus out of Heaven and brought him back to earth? Of course not. Jesus was indicating that death was like a deep sleep. This is very comforting to many people, because they know that they're loved ones who have passed are not burning which is very commonly teached. When Jesus was on earth he also prayed a lot and in the model prayer recorded at Matt 6:9, Jesus prayed about God's kingdom. It says "Let your kingdom come.." God's kingdom will restore ones who have died back to a perfect earth so they will be reunited with their loved ones. This is a beautiful promise made by God in Revelation 21:3,4. I hope this helped, if you have any questions or would like further research, please feel free to Visit for a lot of bible based information. 
2020-01-30 4:50 am
For further information, please see the Bible’s answer to the question:  “Can the Dead Really Live Again?”

Click link below:
2020-01-30 3:42 am
Yes! Jehovah God makes this possible by means of his Son, Jesus, who gave his life for the world of mankind. (John 3:16) Under Jesus’ direction, humankind will be brought to perfection. There will no longer be any suffering because “God himself will be with them” and will erase “every tear from their eyes.” Human imperfection and suffering will soon be a thing of the past; “the righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.”—Psalm 37:29.
2020-01-29 3:48 am
not at all in all honesty
參考: Guess why
2020-01-29 3:40 am
It is about spiritual life, not physical life.
2020-01-29 3:23 am
Let's put it this way...

2020-01-29 3:12 am
God knows nothing of temporary life, only eternal. When we know what God knows, we remember we are eternal, too.
2020-01-29 3:03 am
Yes... the "near" future sounds quite specific.
2020-01-29 2:47 am
Yes those verses answers your questions.
2020-01-29 2:38 am
I sure hope so. My grandfather owes me 12 bucks. 
2020-01-29 2:38 am
Those verses either refer to (1) the end times, or (2) our own death. 

The issue these verses highlight is the idea of a resurrection. People thought that when you die, your consciousness dies with it. However these verses support the idea that our souls continue to exist beyond the grave. 
2020-01-29 2:56 am
There is little doubt that we are living in the so-called Last Days since the Resurrection of Christ. How long it will last depends on the One who is without time; probably many generations from now.
2020-01-29 2:38 am
Since all gods are myths the answer is no.
2020-01-29 2:32 am
No - because no gods are real. they are imaginary and non-existent.
2020-01-29 2:31 am
Nope.  I don't believe any of that stuff.  People have been predicting that God will do this or do that for thousands of years and none of it has actually ever happened.
2020-01-29 2:46 am
If God hasn't restored life to today's Christians they are not Christians when Jesus told us 

"You must be born again of the spirit" (John 3:5-7)!

Therefore your spirit must be dead or you're calling Jesus crazy.

If you don't believe you are a "DEAD spirit" (Romans 5:12; I Corinthians 15:21-22) you are on your way to HELL in "UNBELIEF" (Revelation 21:8) because Jesus said

"You must be born again of the spirit" (John 3:5-7)!

Jesus promised "POWER would come upon us" (Acts 1:8) with Holy Spirit baptism (Act 1:5) 

As HE (I Corinthians 15:45) "QUICKENS" us back to life" (Ephesians 2:1) when "resurrecting us" (I Corinthians Chapter 15) from "our graves" (Ezekiel 37:12-14) and are "born again" (John 3:5-7).

Consequently if God has not ALREADY "resurrected your dead spirit" by His "POWER that comes upon us" (Acts 1:8) with Holy Spirit baptism  (Acts 1:5)

2020-01-29 2:33 am
He restores life to the dead at the moment of their death - everlasting life.

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