Religious people: What if the God you believed in turns out to be an Alien? ?

2020-01-27 12:25 am
What if you found out that the God you believed in was an Alien, and that he/she has no super powers, 
and there’s nothing special between us and him/her besides biological differences and technological differences. 
How will you react to this? What will you do after knowing this? 

回答 (9)

2020-01-28 2:30 am
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How will you react to this? What will you do after knowing this? 

I will have no reaction as I would lose nothing. But if I am right and the non-Christian wrong, they have everything to lose especially burning in the lake of fire.
2020-01-27 12:27 am
That is their claim.  they openly worship ET.
Remember, they constantly define their god thing as "not of this world", the exact definition of alien.  So it that 'turned out that way', it would prove them correct.
2020-01-27 5:24 am
this is a stargate sg1 episode, and there are people that actually do believe Greys exist. i would probably slap my forehead and those writers were correct. Well? wait a minute, ...the greys supposedly invented THOR, and Thor isn't Jesus
2020-01-27 12:33 am
I'd say, "That was a waste of time..."
2020-01-27 3:20 am
So, an alien created the universe in which the alien lives??
2020-01-27 1:31 am
This came up on a movie site I was on. An old movie "Quartermass and the Pit" it turns out the human race was surgically evolved by giant locusts from Mars. Their world was dying, and they were taking over earth by proxy. Moving their culture here.
So it's not a new idea,
2020-01-27 12:30 am
We already know that he's not an earthling.
2020-01-27 1:06 am
As long as he can forgive sins and make good on the gospel, I'm in.
2020-01-27 12:26 am
My God isn't an alien, so that's not possible. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:30:14
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