Did your relationship start unexpectedly?

2020-01-26 9:38 am
Was your significant other anything like you planned?

回答 (3)

2020-01-26 12:56 pm
He is Nothing (!), absolutely nothing like a person I would have anticipated falling in love with. But he makes me laugh, he loves me, he cares for me in clear and tender ways, I trust him, he trusts me, we have different strengths that compliment each other. We have different weaknesses that don't compliment each other at all. And we get along. He is, however, rather strikingly good looking in a Southern Man sort of way and it's a strong part of who he is. I never thought I would look twice at that sort of man. But I've been looking at him for 36 years now and.. well.. I still like it.
2020-01-26 10:59 am
ive never been in a relationship to begin with
2020-01-26 9:56 am
Who plans on something like that.....your heart wants what your heart wants, it isn't always correct but it is compelling. 

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