For what insane reason did Queen Victoria leave someone a pair of he knickers after he death ?

2020-01-26 6:19 am

回答 (8)

2020-01-26 6:24 pm
She didn't, after she died, they were lifted and fenced, if you'll pardon the expression.
2020-01-26 6:54 am
Weirdos steal panties. You don't even have to be The Queen. It's totally insane. If they're in an obvious place and unsupervised workmen are around, don't be surprised if a few go missing. If I were The Queen I'd have a fire going in my dressing room whenever it's changing time and kick them directly onto the flames. 
2020-01-26 6:22 am
She didn't, a pair of bloomers were stolen and others found and auctioned off, the buyer of them must have been insane, they sold for £thousands just because they were spread across the royal butt.
2020-01-26 5:54 pm
That didn't happen.   Over time, people seem to think 'stealing' clothing worn by the royals might be a good investment.   As was the case here!    Frankly I question the buyer of such an item!!
2020-01-26 6:22 am
One of the servants kept it when she died.
2020-01-26 5:38 pm
She did'nt, they came into the possession of someone who worked for her and they handed them down in the family.
2020-02-12 2:29 am
Probably thought the fabric could be reused to make sails for a boat or a giant circus tent.
2020-01-26 11:45 pm
Royals often gave workers pieces of clothing.

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