Mexico or Dominican Republic? Which is safer for tourism?

2020-01-24 2:41 pm
I’m trying to decide where I want to go for summer vacation this year between these 2, but I heard they aren’t that safe. I really want to visit DR, I’ve been wanting to visit for about 2 years but I have to make sure that me and my family is safe. I don’t hear much bad stuff about Mexico expect for drugs and bad stuff going into your drinks. In my opinion as think as long as I go to a “kid friendly” all inclusive resort I should be fine. These are both very popular tourist destinations but just to be sure, which is a safer option for vacation?

If I go to Mexico I will most likely visit Cancun or for DR I will go to Santo Domingo.

回答 (2)

2020-01-24 10:09 pm
Most of Mexico is quite safe. The drug activity is along the border, because the buyers of the drugs are in the US. I don't see the point in going to another country just to go to an all inclusive resort, where you have no contact with the local culture or people. Why not just go to Florida? 
2020-01-24 3:19 pm
I would skip Mexico completely.  And stay within the protected tourist area of the DR.  One time a few years ago, we took a cruise ship and it stopped someplace in the DR and we took a tour taxi up the road.  While we were in the taxi, it stopped because there was a dead body that had been dumped at the side of the road.  On the way back, it had been cleaned up. I think they dump the bodies on the road to scare the tourists.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:43:03
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