Is it considered stalking?

2020-01-24 6:16 am
When I try to send a message to my ex she claims it’s stalking, when I’m just trying to send a message she blocked me twice, and I don’t know when she unblocked me but eventually she did and now I admit that looking into her profile is a stealthily stalker but I don’t care for her anymore, her profile is open, and it’s not so smart to say that I’m a stalker when now I don’t care for her for saying that, and now she unblocks me???! I don’t care for her? And if she wants me to add her I wouldn’t, what is going on with her? why did she unblock me, idk if it was a month ago or 2 months ago i simply will not do anything with her anymore, can someone help me on the question on why would she unblock me? What she expects from me? 

回答 (4)

2020-01-24 6:20 am
Who knows what she's feeling or thinking? No one except her, obviously. If you are no longer in a relationship with her, you need to unhook emotionally and stop making any connection attempts promptly and permanently, for your own well being. You also need to respect her wishes. She may have unblocked you, but I noticed that she also hasn't invited any further contact. 
2020-01-24 6:26 am
Just leave her alone and it will all be okay.
2020-01-24 2:49 pm
Might be she has just by mistake unblocked you.  Its for sure that she is not into you. So move away.
2020-01-24 7:46 am
How is it that you are aware of when she does/doesn't "block" you if you aren't lurking her social media activities?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:48:37
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