Wearing shorts in winter. What do you think?

2020-01-23 10:41 pm
It's mainly a question for parents. Most kids, on school days, spend most of their time in doors, I mean inside. And even outdoors, unless its below zero, the kids are going to to running around and not swaeting. You know by bias. But I want to know yours! Thanks!

[Updated on Jan. 24, 2020. Except 4 the spelling mistakes.] Changed category to Family... couldn't see anything more related. Also, I'm using a Web browser on a cell phone. I know interfaces and options can very based on these parameters. Thoughtful feedback from all. I suspect 1 reply a bit snarky, but I have a sense of humour.Lv7 had excellent answers, but I can only choose one "favorite". I know it's not a contest, but wanted to give kudos in more than just a thumbs up.

回答 (9)

2020-01-23 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Depends where you live. If you have a temperature of minus 30o and three feet of snow you might feel differently. In my family, once you were age five, you made your own mind up. No whining, though.
2020-01-23 10:44 pm
My son was one that wouldn't wear the winter coat. Then one day, sophomoric year, while he was waiting for the bus. He suddenly ran inside, grabbed a coat, and said I'm sick of freezing. Wore one from then on. They figure it out at some point,
2020-01-24 1:07 am
Depends on the temperature/environment. Wearing shorts in the winter here in NW Florida (where it was in the 70°s last week) is no big deal. Wearing shorts in snow country, doesn't make sense.
Move your question to Pregnancy & Parenting>Parenting or Entertainment & Music>Polls & Surveys as it's currently in Sports>Running and not applicable to this subcategory.   You can move your question by clicking Edit (or pencil icon, if mobile)>Edit category just beneath your question, then selecting the category in which it is better suited. 
2020-01-27 6:45 pm
Each make their own decision
2020-01-23 11:34 pm
I mean, if it floats your boat, then why the heck not?
2020-01-25 4:32 am
It makes you look tough
參考: Running Vest Shorts and Flip Flops in the Snow, aint nothing like it !!
2020-01-28 11:35 am
It's a dysfunctional fashion trend.
2020-01-26 10:06 am
My nephew insists on wearing shorts.  We live in Ohio.  He wore shorts to his Grandmothers funeral.  Shorts and those Adidas Shower slides.  That's it for him. 
2020-01-26 7:06 am
I’m not a kid...or a parent, but I personally could never wear shorts in winter. I want my legs to be warm, so I’ll wear pants.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:07:15
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