Please help me! How can I get a flat forehead?

2020-01-23 1:54 am
I’m 14 and my forehead is very round and hard and I hate it! Especially when I put my head down on my desk or table it’s very hard and a irritating feeling. I notice that most people have flat foreheads regardless of age, but why does mine have to be so big. So please can anyone help me? Is their some kind of exercise I can try or something?

回答 (12)

2020-01-23 2:04 am
Sorry but there's nothing you can do.
2020-01-24 12:04 pm
Face it we are all different.  It is not uncommon to envy a feature others may have but we have to be the person we are.  As you mature you will see changes that alter your overall appearance and they may distract from your concern over the forehead.  
2020-01-24 2:41 am
You can't change the shape of your skull.  Sorry.

Why are you putting your head down face-first? Or forehead-first?  That's rather odd.
2020-01-23 2:08 am
It's a little late for that. Your bones are set.
2020-01-23 1:56 am
I am sorry to tell you this.
No amount of exercise is going to correct genetic bone structure.

Learn to love yourself.
2020-01-27 10:06 pm
Your forehead is determined by your skull shape. You can't change the size or shape of your skull--not without horribly painful and unnecessary surgery--and possibly not even then. 

A large forehead can be minimized by keeping your hair closer to your face--have a salon or hairdresser show you pictures of how your hair can be styled to partially cover some of the expanse and minimize the look of a large forehead. Actually, you probably have less of a problem than you THINK you do, because we tend to focus on small flaws or differences and make them appear larger than they really are-- but if it bothers you, go to a professional who can help you find a hairstyle that will help you minimize your focus. Bangs, side and top layering--all these can help.
2020-01-26 10:13 am
Exercise? Yeah your dad will be exercising when he rolls/throws a bowling ball into your forehead to make it flat LOL
2020-01-25 2:00 pm
I don't know how big your forehead is but sometimes I wished I had a round forehead. Mine is like a Neanderthal but to hide the shape I got bangs and it totally helped. Well I don't know if you're make or female but anyway, can't be that bad. Confidence is key 
2020-01-23 3:11 am
I have the same problem. nothing u can do
2020-01-25 8:06 am
There is nothing wrong with your forehead but getting bangs might help.
2020-01-24 12:12 am
Repeatedly hit your head against a brick wall.  2 hours a day for 6 months should do it.
2020-01-23 2:08 am
I'd require the forehead flattened, hairline lowered and for a hair transplant too. Is there any help with this. I have zero confidence and always wear the same hairstyle.

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