My boss helped me to bed when I was drunk!!! What do I do now? (very embarrassed)?

2020-01-23 12:30 am
He helped me upstairs to my bed, I don't remember but my coworker told me who was also helping. I'm so embarrassed!!! Should I quit my job over this?

回答 (14)

2020-01-24 1:12 am
Do you have any reason to think you were sexually assaulted or molested? What kind of clothing did you have on? Is your co-worker a male or female?If you don't think anything like that occurred then go back to work and take the ribbing good naturedly but remember this in the future. When you booze this much, you could lose your life. A girl in Alabama recently lost her life when she left a bar with 2 guys she didn't even know.
2020-01-27 6:15 pm
No no it's ok. Your boss is human like you. Im not sure what the circumstances are but if you haven't been fired or anything than all is fine. If anything after you thank him, you should maybe have a laugh with him about it, be confident!

.... Wait he didn't DO anything to you did he? 
2020-01-26 2:52 pm
Apologize and thank him for his kindness. Continue to work and move on.
2020-01-25 7:32 pm
That is not the solution. Make up your to give up drinking.
2020-01-23 12:48 am
Keep your job and make sure you stay sober. You don't have to be embarrassed, thank your boss, but don't do it again.
2020-02-03 4:50 am
Don't feel embarrassed cos alcohol lowers inhibitions.

Just remember not to drink alcohol when you are next out with your colleagues.
2020-01-26 10:07 am
I would fellatiate him with enthusiasm.  
2020-01-23 9:49 pm
first, stop drinking
2020-01-23 6:43 pm
Rather a pointless exercise to lose a job because your boss was kind to you. You apologise for your behaviour to him and the other co-worker who helped carry you and then you get over your embarrassment and carry on as if nothing has happened. You just make sure you don't get so drunk in the future that you make a fool of yourself again. Everyone's allowed one mistake and you've just had yours.
2020-01-23 6:00 pm
Do not quit your job.
But DO deal with that drinking or far worse may well happen 
2020-01-23 3:15 am
As long as your clothing wasn't removed, I think an apology for your inability to be responsible for yourself should likely do that job. Don't repeat your drunken behavior. You're embarrassed? Good! Address your drunken behaviors.
2020-01-23 12:38 am
No, but you should STOP getting drunk.
2020-01-23 12:35 am
No, you shouldnt quit, but I think you should say thank you, and also sorry for letting him seeing you like that and you promise not doing that again or at least not when he is around
2020-01-28 9:51 pm
Yes, leave your job & change your attitude!

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