How to know if something is a scam?

2020-01-22 6:00 am
So I'm not completely stupid and oblivious. I'm 99% sure this is a scam, I just want to know FOR SURE before I go ahead and reply to this person lol. Basically, I went on this website, "Freelancer" where you can pick up jobs like Fiverr. This one guy offered me a job to build him a website and be his online assistant where basically I would email customers that buy his products, let them know all the details, and get paid 300$ weekly. SO I built the website, whatever I had nothing better to do.He sent me pictures of his artwork and I created everything on WIX. 
This is the part I feel is a scam. He asked what bank I use, and asked if I'd be okay taking customer payments through check. And I would deposit the check into my account. He didn't ask me for any personally info. But he wanted me to also set up a CashApp and Bitcoin account. This is where I told him I would set it up later and he said, "okay, just let me know" Throughout this whole process, from the beginning his English was a bit broken, emails he sent were very fast as if pre typed and ready to send, we also talked over Google Hangouts. Like I said, I'm pretty sure it's a scam, I just wanted to know what you guys think.
He never said anything about wiring money, the only fishy part was that I would be handling payments through check that I would get through the mail, then deposit into my account (where I assume they steal from you)
Thanks for helping me out!

回答 (9)

2020-01-22 6:16 am
99.99% Chance of Scam.

My guess is that the whole thing is just a front for a Fake Check Scam.

As people wise up to their scams, the scammers have to use new techniques and add new twists to the old scams.
2020-01-22 6:07 am
The 'payments' will be fraudulent and  the only 'customer' is you. 

How this works is that you will deposit his bad checks  into your account.  He will ask you to send all except $300  to him via a CashApp or Bitcoin account.  Because it can take 30 days for a check to clear with your bank giving you a courtesy credit in the meantime, he can continue this caper for quite a while before your bank closes your account and demands that you give them every cent you have already wired to Nigeria.  Don't walk away, run.
2020-01-22 6:27 am
They are HIS customers, not yours and you work for him, so why would you be accepting checks from HIS customers? When things make no sense, then there's a good reason why. You were scammed.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2020-01-22 6:39 am
an employer never asks you to use your bank account for their customers, it is a scam
2020-01-23 3:57 pm
This is a scam.
You do not EVER use your bank account for someone else's business. Not only is this an issue with getting fraudulent payments, it is also against the money laundering laws.
2020-01-22 8:06 am
Yeah, its a scam.  My bet is either the money you are acceping is drug money, or something, and he is using you to essentially launder the money.
2020-01-22 6:08 am
I hope you aren't dumb enough to share your bank info to the Nigerian Prince.
2020-01-22 8:57 am
If its too good to be true.

if someone is offering something, like the moon on a stick and keeps reassuring you there is nothing much they need back from you but just some 'involvement' then clearly its a scam. a sham scam lol.
2020-01-22 6:18 am
$ sign goes before the number.  And I'm sure its real. A real scam.

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