Can anyone help identify this artist signature?

2020-01-20 3:17 am
Bought this at an estate sale, it is marked with the artist signature but I can't make out what it says.
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated

It's a smokey crystal glass sculpture

回答 (3)

2020-01-23 12:29 am
I can only identify that it's not written in English, there are too many marks over those characters.
2020-01-20 7:02 pm
I can recognize a little bit:
r__i__ja_  _ai___
Can you zoom in closer?
2020-01-20 4:02 am
I'd need a much closer image, if that's possible. Zoomed to the max, I can't make out much.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:45:56
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