If your dogs could talk, would you want them to call you mom/dad or by your real name?

2020-01-19 8:22 am

回答 (5)

2020-01-19 3:03 pm
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My name (just as long as they didn't refer to me as, "Hey, asshole!").
2020-01-19 9:02 am
Since we're friends, I'd prefer first name.
2020-01-19 8:26 am
In a fantasy word, they should call be by my name if they could talk. My dog can't talk in reality, but I know what she want.
2020-01-19 8:26 am
I have always told her i was Daddy and come to daddy when i need her and the puppy listens. 
2020-01-19 8:22 am
Papi is what I'd prefer. ;)

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