How come people were more nice a 100 years ago than today?

2020-01-14 2:32 pm

回答 (62)

2020-01-14 2:37 pm
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People  had a higher standards, and treated each other with respect!
2020-01-15 11:41 am
I don't know about that. Historically, women and children were treated as inferior by men and it was accepted and even legally approved. Men may have been nice to women on the streets, but women couldn't vote or get jobs or even an education. Corporal punishment was allowed without a second thought. Also the treatment of non-whites...
2020-01-15 1:45 am
Although portrayed as a happy time, there was a lot of despair.  Not everyone could ride the happiness train after WWI.  The press and various authors found they could sell stories about happy people more than they could stories about the down and out.
2020-01-14 9:17 pm
When I was a kid there was no PC. It was called common courtesy which became significantly less common when people decided the first amendment gives them a right to be 'rude as they want'. Today we have the anonymity of the computer keyboard behind unlimited rudeness. A lot of people wouldn't act that way face to face.
2020-01-14 2:32 pm
They had better morals.
2020-01-17 2:10 am
Well, I wasn't alive 100 years ago, so I don't know if people were "more nice" then.
2020-01-16 9:52 pm
Do you have proof they were 
2020-01-16 7:23 pm
100 years ago, people were in workhouses, orphans died daily, imperialism ruled, disease was rife, minorities were trafficked as slaves, civilizations had been wiped out and there was mass genocide. WTF are you talking about OP? “more nice”???
2020-01-14 2:36 pm
No cell phones.  No computers. No emails. We communicated with each other.
2020-01-15 10:59 pm
Take the rose colored glasses off.  Racism/sexism/homophobia and every other crappy human behavior there is existed in full force, child labor laws weren't in effect yet, a man could beat his wife regularly and get away with it, the list is endless. 
2020-01-15 2:31 pm
Back then they didn't have these damn video toys. No Drugs either! GOD IS CRYIN NOW AND I WANT MY SISTER TO KNOW THAT SHE IS OK THOUGH SHE HAS AND ADDICTION
2020-01-16 6:59 pm
They weren't there are just more people now. The media has everyone fooled. I'm not saying they are making it up. I'm saying it's just reported more often than crimes use to be.100 years ago it was okay to beat your wife and kids. They were more or less just a man's property.
2020-01-15 10:26 pm
100 years ago people where just slaughtering each other, if you know what is world war 1
2020-01-15 11:31 am
Hell no!
Most of the country was made up of racist, sexist bigots.
And discrimination was legal.
Child and spouse abuse was kept under cover in the good old days. Oh yes, and marriages stayed intact because women were trapped 

2020-01-14 6:01 pm
How do you know that people were nicer 100 years ago? The oldest man I ever met was a great, great uncle of mine that was born in 1879. He was the meanest guy on the face the earth, he lived until the tender age of 102 years old.
2020-01-14 10:27 pm
Add 40 years to that and people owned slaves by virtue of racial birth...  how nice was that? 
2020-01-15 12:38 am
People did not throw God out of their lives like today. People today are living in sin
2020-01-14 4:43 pm
People were innocents then, I believe
2020-01-15 12:24 pm
no chemicals in there food
2020-01-17 5:43 pm
Define nice? And secondly how can anyone measure it quantifiably in a population of today let alone in a population 100 years ago, to make such a far fetched comparison?
參考: Define nice? And secondly how can anyone measure it quantifiably in a population of today let alone in a population 100 years ago, to make such a far fetched comparison?
2020-01-17 5:22 am
Your question assumes that it's true. Unless you're 120 years old, you have no idea if this is true. What you know is based mostly on old movies and books, neither of which is necessarily the truth.  Crime was MUCH higher 100 years ago, and I think that's a pretty good indicator of NOT BEING NICE.
2020-01-17 1:49 am
How would You Know? You'd have to be a sentient adult 100 years ago, and meet Everyone on Earth.
That would make you 118, now,
2020-01-16 7:14 pm
Tell us all about your memories of 100 years ago please
2020-01-16 12:45 pm
Where's your evidence to prove your contention?  You make an unsupported & probably unsupportable statement.  That's grossly irresponsible & invalid.     
2020-01-15 9:24 pm
How can you prove that? I think you do not realize that there was slavery a little over 100 years ago. Did you also forget the triangle trade?
2020-01-14 4:37 pm
Yes i agree! People were way nicer in ww1
2020-01-17 3:00 am
Prejudice, bigotry and segregation separated ppl into smaller groups which normally got along with each other gave the appearance of politeness when among themselves and others like them. Now everything is a melting pot and in general ppl are not friendly towards each other, they are suspicious and distrustful. The internet makes it worse when people speak out openly about their feelings or just  make rude comments because of the anonymity which the internet provides they feel they cannot be touched. 
2020-01-15 9:04 pm
now people are self absorbed selfish robota that really couldnt care much about others
2020-01-14 5:03 pm
Due to the absence of social media and such a huge amount of ads.
2020-01-15 4:08 am
Today we have to many people roaming the planet  back than it was not as much less stress less competition
2020-01-16 7:33 am
Mainly because society was a more civilised place back then. And especially because there was no Twitter or Facebook, so people weren't all egotists who are deluded that their opinions actually matter all that much.
2020-01-18 4:43 am
It's not clear to me that they were.
2020-01-17 8:22 pm
2020-01-17 10:27 am
People are at war 100 years ago. You think they are “more nice”? 
2020-01-17 1:56 am
Who Says?

My Grandpa was a young man in the 19th century, he was Tough and Mean.Life was tough, then, be tough or die. Many people were actually selfish, mean. Beat wives, kids,  no law against it. Beat horses too, until 1892. .  They just seemed more affable to strangers, if you were angry. a dinner. No welfare, then. 
2020-01-16 1:41 pm
The roaring 20s were not better than now. When you hear/see 1920 what comes to mind? For me, it’s vaudeville, silent films, jazz music, and “flapper” girls (essentially Chicago the movie). 
Sex and promiscuity were about as common then as it is now, but people could cover their vices under “being classy”. 
The only difference between then and now is that we expose it. What might take someone five years to look up back then can take five seconds. So, what happens in the remaining 4’55” (4m55s)? People are EXPECTED to work that or pay for things to funnel money back into the economy. Soon, the 4 minute 55 seconds accumulate, and then you have free time. 
In the past, people socialized. There were no video games, streaming, that many cars, etc. People had to interact more, and because people lacked necessary information to research knowledge, they had to TRUST one another. 
Combine more free time with less socialization- the picture is one that leads to satisfying curiosities— curiosities that would seem unfathomable to former generations.

To summarize- people are generally the same. In the 30s, people dealt with World War and behaved in a frustrated, angry manner because of that. I bring this up because the root to how humans interact is based on the setting around them.
2020-01-16 11:52 am
Are nice people are jerks too was that way 100 years ago will be 100 years in the future the same way.
2020-01-15 12:41 pm
It all depends on their behavior 😉
2020-01-14 7:45 pm
Like others have said, how do you know how nice people were 100 years ago ?  There are mean and nice people in every era.  100 years ago there would people that would rob you, cheat you and otherwise wish you harm, just the same as today
2020-01-14 6:12 pm
people are people in every century 
oh yes
2020-01-16 10:27 pm
Wasn't homosexuality a curse or something like that illegal?
2020-01-15 10:27 pm
Because back then, parents knew how to educate their children
2020-01-15 1:33 am
Thats not true this world always been Evil people are nicer today than 100 years ago
2020-01-14 10:06 pm
People has manners and respect for each other.
2020-01-17 1:13 am
And on a related question, how come people used better grammar 100 years ago than now?
2020-01-14 5:23 pm
They weren't. They did, however, have better grammar. This should be: "Why were people nicer..."
2020-01-14 3:23 pm
less degeneracy 
2020-01-19 4:36 pm
They are sad or are a regret whole(as a whole.)!
2020-01-18 12:31 pm
Well people were more racist, homophobic and sexist in 1920 but it depends on what your definition of 'nice' is. 
2020-01-17 6:03 pm
Lol they use to fire sub machine guns in the city streets in the 1920s 
2020-01-17 5:27 pm
100 years age people were so much humble.their life were also people were more nice a 1oo years ago than today
2020-01-17 5:19 pm
People weren't, its just that 100 year ago there technology and social media didn't exist.
2020-01-17 5:36 am
Respect is a for gotten word these days for
younger Folks.
Time out has changed our world ....Ever notice that older people seem to get Along a lot better, believe me we got our Butts Busted when we did something weWeren’t supposed to do & it never killed us..
2020-01-16 4:57 am
Not sure if they were nicer a hundred years ago than now. There was still some messed up stuff back then. But those kinds of people a hundred years ago were raised to be "proper". 
But I think for your questions, there's two reasons that I can think of. One is that there was no technology or anything that we had today that would have allowed people to easily bully each other. Two is that they were probably focused on survival and certain events such as the Great Depression. 
2020-01-15 1:44 pm
I think life, in general was calmer. People, were not as angry about things, as the pace was much slower. Times were hard for many people, but they had to just accept it with little hope for the future.  Today, just as many, (per population), are living stressed lives. If we didn't have government support for many, I think every place would be in great danger.
2020-01-17 11:02 pm
HOW ABOUT THE POWERFUL PRESENTATION WITH Satan being the monster  threatening  mankind judgment  Christ with powerful action as stated:
2020-01-17 10:19 am
Well we become worship of money, fame, material and to many massive egos.
we also have forsaken our humanity by not seeing people as people as a class, okay class, lazy class, poor class, rich class till humanity is like well sorry your born with medical tough luck now go away. we were more nice cause money and darkness had not over taken us. I'm nice and caring just get on my bad side my Avengers Side comes out   
2020-01-17 2:25 am
Men were allowed to wear holsters with guns in them. No license required. 
2020-01-16 9:39 pm
Poverty is the reason! 
2020-01-16 10:30 am
Social standards were courteous,but people learned how to keep in their hate and atrocious actions out of sight.People kept their mindsets to themselves, except for the brave people who spoke out and fought for good causes. Also, they had less reason to hate. They didn't have to worry about social media and the internet, they only had to deal with the people they met face to face, so they were less likely to act up.
2020-01-15 12:58 pm
No. People were nice 2000 years B.C if they obey Tent Commandment, but not nice if they denied it.
2020-01-15 9:39 am
I dunno, 100 years ago the Cold War was goin' on so that's highly debatable.

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